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| Ph.D Opportunities | Post-Doc Positions | Internships |

Ph.D Opportunities

    Currently there are no PhD openings but interested candidates are strogly encouraged to contact me by email including a CV and the names and contact details of at least two references.

Interested students that fullfil the degree requirements for admission in the PhD program are encouraged to contact me directly by email. The students are expected to be financed via a recently obtained ERC starting grant project. Generally, all applications are evaluated in the Spring term (end of February and middle of March) and a response will be given by end of May of each year. However, interested candidates are encouraged to contact me anytime during the year.

Post-Doc Positions

    Currently there are no post-doc openings but interested candidates are strogly encouraged to contact me by email including a CV, the names and contact details of at least three references and three of their representative publications.

Candidates with a PhD in mechanics, mechanical engineering, computational mechanics or physics are strongly encouraged to contact me directly by email even if no projects are currently available. They should include a detailed C.V. (with publication record) and at least 3 references with contact details (e-mail, phone etc.). More information about our work on magnetorheological elastomers can be found in my webpage.

Internships & Master Projects

    Internship positions are available throughout the year for Master students (preferably at the Master 2 level). Interested candidates should contact me directly including in their email a detailed C.V. and grades obtained throughout their university studies.

| Ph.D Opportunities | Post-Doc Positions | Internships |